Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I just love snow *sarcasm* Its not the fact that its wet , it’s the fact its cold…and likes to stick and its heavy which sucks when your windshield wipers stop working or work when ever they feel like it. But then it’s the fact that we didn’t get out of school early enough to prevent that now. It really pisses me off that the school waits so long to dismiss us its ridiculous and gets people in a pissy mood. Sure I could’ve left like a whole bunch of other people did but I need to keep my attendance up you know!? So why do they delay us so long? I want to know that! It’d be a lot safer if they took that extra step and did research so we could all drive and walk in better conditions. Any who that is my rant that I needed to get out…now I must go back to reading this good book Mrs. Krieger let me read, really good so far.

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